Eversheds Sutherland Up to Speed Blog
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Thursday’s Trivia Question

Chapter 303 of Title 49 of the United States Code is administered by NHTSA. What is the title of the code?   Answer to Monday’s trivia question: Google cars have been operated in two states, California and Texas. Google recently announced plans to test their cars in Washington state, as well.

Michigan Considering Future of Tax Credit for Auto Insurers

Lawmakers in Michigan have discovered that an administrative change in the way the state’s assigned claims program is funded is costing the state tax revenue. The assigned claims program covers medical care of people injured in auto accidents where there is no insurance coverage. Insurers doing business in Michigan are required to pay into the program to cover these claims. Because of...

Computers as Drivers?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has advised Google of NHTSA’s decision in a previously undisclosed Feb. 4  letter now posted on the NHTSA website this week. NHTSA stated that it “will interpret ‘driver’ in the context of Google’s described motor vehicle design as referring to the [self-driving system], and not to any of the vehicle occupants.” The letter continued,...


In how many states in the United States have Google autonomous cars  operated on public roads? Answer to Thursday’s trivia question:  That auto manufacturer that recently committed to death-free cars by 2020 is Volvo.

Thursday’s Trivia Question

Which manufacturer recently committed to death-free cars by 2020? Answer to Wednesday’s trivia question:  The name of the”top secret” facility in the San Francisco area where a number of manufacturers are testing new autonomous vehicle technologies is GoMentum Station.

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