Eversheds Sutherland Up to Speed Blog
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Self-Driving Trucks on the Road in Arizona

Uber recently revealed that it has been operating self-driving trucks to carry shipments for commercial customers in Arizona. The company has two transfer hubs on opposite sides of the state. According to the company, the self-driving trucks operate between transfer hubs: for example, a regular truck will deliver a shipment to a transfer hub, where an Uber self-driving truck (with a...

Trade Wars and European Cars

President Trump has threatened to impose a 25% tariff on European cars imported to the United States. The United States currently imposes a 2.5% tariff on foreign cars, and a 25% tariff on foreign trucks and commercial vans, while the European Union charges as 10% tariff on cars from the United States. The President complained about the tariffs imposed by the European Union and the...

Driving Through Red Lights — Coming Soon?

The Utah legislature may soon be voting on a bill that would allow drivers to run a red light. More accurately, the bill would allow drivers to drive through a red light after stopping and safely looking in all directions to confirm no other vehicles, cyclists, or pedestrians are coming. A similar law allows bicycles to run red lights in certain circumstances. The Utah Department of...

Study Finds Americans Still Wary of Autonomous Vehicles

In a recent Gallup poll, nearly 60% of the more than 3,000 survey participants said they would be uncomfortable riding in an autonomous vehicle. Survey participants were even more reluctant to share the road with driverless trucks, with nearly 70% stating that they would be uneasy. The responses varied by age, with those over 66 least likely to accept autonomous vehicles. Nearly 70% of...