Eversheds Sutherland Up to Speed Blog
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Insurance Coverage for Self-Driving Cars in Japan

A Japanese insurance company will begin offering coverage for accidents involving self-driving vehicles next year. Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance will provide coverage for vehicles that have automated systems controlling acceleration, steering, or braking, as well as for vehicles that are autonomous enough to require driver input only in emergencies. (The coverage will not...

Facebook and Car Insurance

A car insurer that planned to use Facebook data to set car insurance premiums has had to change its plans after Facebook clarified that such use would violate its privacy guidelines. Admiral Insurance had planned to offer a “first car quote” app to young motorists in the UK. It would analyze Facebook “likes” and posts to determine the driver’s level of risk. The insurer could then...

Autonomous Vehicles Tested on UK Streets

For the first time, autonomous vehicles were tested on streets in the UK as of Tuesday, October 11. More specifically, the electric car was tested at 5 mph around the town of Milton Keynes. The test are part of broader efforts to get autonomous vehicles on the road by 2020. The British government has been encouraging of this new technology, hoping to build a global industry. In advance...

Surveys Disagree on American Appetites for Driverless Vehicles

A survey of more than 2,000 people by the Consumer Technology Association found that approximately 70% of those surveyed were ready to try a driverless vehicle. However, another survey by the University of Michigan led to drastically different results: in that survey, fewer than 16% of those surveyed were open to completely autonomous vehicles. A third survey conducted by Kelley Blue...

California Issues Permits for Driverless Vehicle Testing to Valeo and Wheego

The California Department of Motor Vehicles recently issued driverless vehicle testing permits to Valeo North America and Wheego Electric Cars Inc. Among those in the industry, the issuance of testing permits is a sign as to which companies are making the most progress. The permits for Valeo and Wheego allow programs for one vehicle operated by up to four people. Valeo is an auto parts...

NHTSA Releases Driverless Car Guidelines

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has released its highly anticipated guidelines on the regulation of autonomous vehicles.  The Federal Automated Vehicles Policy signals NHTSA’s continued support of driverless technology development by promising manufacturers expedited responses to requests for legal interpretations and exemptions.  The Policy also confirms...

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